
DOWNLOAD AND PRINT A Membership Application

How do I become a member of Rotary?

Often, a person being considered for a membership is invited by a club member to attend one or more meetings to learn more about Rotary.   If the individual is then interested in becoming a member, the above application can be completed and submitted to an officer of the club.

For more information about joining our club, please contact us through the form located on this website or by email at

What are the qualifications for membership?

Prospective members must:

  • Have a desire to make our community a better place
  • Be able to participate in scheduled club meetings, and assist with events, etc.
  • Live or work within the vicinity of the club

What are the responsibilities of membership?

Rotarians are asked to attend scheduled club meetings and assist with our fundraising events. Members must pay quarterly dues to their club and Rotary International. Members are asked to participate in local activities and projects. Clubs encourage members to aspire to be leaders within their clubs.